
The Business Mindset Mentoring Club
A pop-up membership group for women who want to feel inspired & confident about themselves & their business ideas
Are you a newbie business owner with loads of great ideas but are a bit stuck making it happen on your own?
Perhaps you've been going a while but feel like you need a bit of a boost to keep you focused and energised....
Or maybe you've been running a side hustle and want to make it your main thing.
Or you've got a good idea that would make a great business but don't know where to start?
Starting out is very daunting and you can quickly go from feeling excited and hopeful to overwhelmed and defeated.
Not knowing how to do so many new things, wear all the hats, make decisions about what to invest in, whilst DOING the actual thing your business was created for is a bit of a shocker!
And even when you've worked that bit out, you didn't count on your mind trying to take you down and make you believe you shouldn't have started in the first place!
It can be lonely out there for independent business owners like you but throw in the support of some amazing like minded women and you find you can get through anything, because I know how resilient you are.
Because if you weren't you wouldn't have been brave enough to start in the first place!
So lets head into 2022 with a sense of clarity, control and a good solid plan.
Join me in my pop-up Business Mindset Mentoring Club for mindset coaching, mentoring, support and accountability. And not forgetting fun, because we all need some of that right now!
The next one will launch February 2021, so join the waitlist now to be the first to find out the details.
What you'll get being part of the club
Week 1
Vision & Goals
Create or refresh your business vision
Understand your challenges
Work out what help you need
Create your goals & action plan
Week 2
Learn how your mind works & how to make it work for you, not against you.
Challenge your own beliefs
Break through your barriers
Get more productive
Week 3
Uncover your values & learn why it's important you know them.
Discover how to feel more in alignment.
Understand yourself better.
Week 4
Setting Intentions
Learn the difference between goals & intentions.
Set some intentions for yourself
Align your intention to goals and find renewed focus & clarity.
Every Week
Take Action
Receive group coaching to stay positive and keep you on track.
Work together in co-working.
Lunch & chat
Stay motivated through peer support & advice.
The Business Mindset Mentoring Club is a pop up group for newbie business women who want to find clarity, direction & support
Over the next 4 weeks you’ll get:
A private Facebook Group of women who are on a similar journey with their business or idea where you can share worries, wins and get some help, inspiration and encouragement. And accountability!
4 x weekly 90 min online group coaching sessions including training, practical work and opportunities to discuss challenges and ask for advice and support. These will be on Monday lunchtimes.
Mindset coaching and resources.
Weekly co-working sessions so you can have focused time on a specific goal with a virtual team, held on Thursday mornings.
Lighthearted lunch & chat sessions every other Friday.
I know how it feels to want to invest in your own development but finding that cashflow doesn’t allow you to pay for those higher ticket masterminds or programmes you keep hearing about. This will start you on the right track and help you find your direction so you know how to develop and grow as a person and a business.
So if you’re feeling isolated, overwhelmed, un-focused and stuck and want to feel focused, re-energised and raring to go, this is definitely for you.
I’m limiting spaces to keep it a small, personalised experience, so join now to guarantee your space. If you're not sure, email me for a chat.
I've already recommended this club. It builds up your confidence, gives you the motivation you need, and a whole group of supporters who constantly let you know that you can do this!
Join The Waitlist
It's super affordable to help you create new opportunities in 2022!
I know what it's like in your first year of business... I've been there
I’m now in my second year running my coaching business and have learned so much on the entrepreneurial roller coaster that I now want to share with other women who are where I was not so long ago, or are perhaps in the same space.
As well as having to learn loads of new things from tech to marketing, you have to get used to working on your own, wearing about 10 different hats, and battling your mindset demons!
You know, the critical voice that’s constantly questioning your ability, or telling you you’re not good enough, or telling you your dream is stupid and you should just get back to an office somewhere to earn some real money.
You don’t know who to trust with the limited amount of money you have to invest in your business. So many people are promising you a 6 figure business, telling you if you don’t invest in yourself you’re just playing small, confusing you with different tech options, telling you who you should be and what you should do.
Suddenly you’re overwhelmed, anxious and stuck.
You’re working on your own, have no-one to talk to, or at least, people who understand how you feel, and your motivation and self-belief falls through the floor…
And then we got locked down!! Brilliant.
But do you know what, it inspired me to take action and create something special. I realised I had the skills, experience and opportunity to create something to help women when they need it most. And I get how you feel because I've been there, and I'm still on that entrepreneurial roller coaster with you!
So in January the Business Mindset Mentoring Pop-Up Club was born and 11 women joined me on an 8 week journey of self-discovery and action taking. It was so successful I'm now re-launching round 3 of the Pop-Up Club as a 4 week experience, really focusing in on the topics that make the most difference.
Keep momentum going in your business, even if you're working on it and not in it right now...
You have a choice whether to sit back and let the uncertainty and fear take over your mind and put your dreams on hold, or whether you take control of what you can and do your best to show up and be positive. Instead you can:
Get clear on your business idea, vision and plan for the next quarter, or beyond if you want to.
Get organised so you have laser focus on the things that are going to bring the most benefit and let go of the things that you don't need to do right now.
Take consistent action on your goals.
Get more self aware and understand how your mind is sabotaging you so you can take control and make it work for you not against you.
Be sure that every day there's someone you can chat to or share ideas with to stay inspired and motivated. And it really does help our mental wellbeing when we can help others, Its a win-win!
Start each week knowing you'll be getting coaching to help you and your business grow, and focused time to work with a team of like minded women all on a mission to smash some goals.
Know you're not alone.
"I love how supportive everyone is, literally everyone gives input. There's no negativity like some other groups I'm in. I've become more focused on my goals and I get accountability".
A bit about me & my "why" for this Club
I’m a Transformational Coach and I help women in the early stages of building their business find the strength and courage to stick with their dream and create a strong foundation to grow and scale
In my first year of business I was excited to work with clients and help them make amazing transformations in their lives. I loved feeling like I was making a difference, and relished the freedom that being my own boss gave me.
It soon dawned on me what being a business owner meant and how many different job roles there were to do!
I soon became overwhelmed with the amount of "help" on offer and got sucked in to a lot of things that in hindsight weren't right for me. It took me the first year to work out who I want to be in my business, and how I want to run it.

For the sake of your business and mental health, do this course! In all honesty, this course will change your life. You'll learn so much about yourself and you can do it in the safety of the most incredible group. Kirsty is the safest pair of hands you can be in and will give you the tools to be who you deserve to be.
Simone, Aromatherapist in Training
My vision for this group
It's a safe space for you to thrive in for the next 4 weeks so that you can end this year having set some goals, got some inspiration for new ideas, and have a plan for your business going forward.
I found out being an entrepreneur can be pretty lonely, and missed the friendship, support and inspiration that you get from being part of a team so that's a huge part of this experience.
I’ll be your coach and will help you get to a place where you’re clear on your business idea, know where you need to focus your attention, and have a plan of attack. Once you have these foundations in place you can prioritise what help you need and from who.
Even with a great plan, the right strategies and all the tech, your mindset is the one thing that will catch you out time and time again. Which is why I’ll be there to help you spot your inner saboteurs and train your mind to work for you and not against you!
What's not to love? Come and join us!
Join The Waitlist​
It's super affordable to help you create new opportunities in Autumn 2022!
What my members say
Yes!! Highly recommend this group, I can’t believe how much progress I’ve made since February, I’m doing things I didn’t think I’d be doing for months. I’ve become focused, more confident, and found a group of friends who are so supportive. If you’re in your first year of business or trying to figure out how to turn your passion into your business, Kirsty and this pop up group are for you!
Lydia, Content Writer
I highly recommend this Mentoring Group, I have learnt so much, got lots of support, been able to push forward with my business in ways I never could have on my own, and also made friends - I’ve loved it!
Ami, Wellbeing Coach
When does the Club start?
Date to be confirmed for Feb 2022. We start with a virtual Lunch & Launch to get to know each other better and chat about what we'd like to get from the group and the weekly session dates.
How long will the Facebook group support be?
The Facebook community will be open for a week after the live programme, so you will have access to me for any questions, advice and support.
I also have a monthly membership which you may wish to join after enjoying the Pop-Up experience.
Can I get 1-1 coaching with Kirsty?
Any additional coaching support will be available if you decide you want to delve deeper into your goals or anything else that you may discover about yourself in the experience!
What is your refund policy?
You have 7 days to decide if this is right for you and can contact us for a full refund. After 7 days, no refunds will be given. If you can't make it to any of the live coaching calls a recording will be available and you can still access the Facebook group for ongoing coaching support.
BUT this is a club, and you'll get the most out of it being there live as part of a group of women on the same journey as you.