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Kirsty Venghaus Transformational Coach

with Kirsty

Free your mind, take control of your life


Hi, I'm Kirsty!  If you’ve found me I know life isn't working for you anymore - you know you need to make some changes but either you've failed in the past or you just don't know how to. You know you have the potential to live a bigger, brighter life, and maybe have a long held dream to turn a passion into a business. Or maybe you found the courage to start a business, but now the realities of going it alone have started to hit and you feel stuck.


Perhaps its your confidence or your self- belief, or perhaps you don't think you deserve it. Well you DO deserve it, and you CAN do it. And I'm here to guide you through your journey.


I'm a qualified Life Coach, Master NLP Practitioner and Rapid Transformational Therapist RTT with over 25 years experience helping people break out of their old patterns and achieve their full potential.


I help women in the early stages of building their business find the strength and courage to stick with their dream and give them the tools to overcome blocks and hurdles along the way, so they can create a strong foundation to grow and scale. 

Get your FREE copy of my New Start Guide for 2022


Be your own coach and use these powerful questions to help you uncover what you want and make a plan of how to get there. Make 2022 the year you escape the rat race, get out of a rut or simply find more balance and happiness.

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Create the life you dream of


Do you dream of a more fulfilling, purposeful, life but aren’t 100% sure what that looks like or how to get there? Are you afraid to go for what you really want because that means stepping out of the shadows and showing the world who you really are? Does the thought of being seen and speaking up and fill you with dread?


On some level, you are sabotaging yourself because some part of you is fearful, of failure or success, so staying where you are seems the best option, yet it’s making you so unhappy and you know you are not being true to yourself. Or you may be happy on many levels but finding you're not doing the things you want because you are held back by self-doubt, lack of confidence and a feeling of being not enough.



But it doesn't have to be like that for you.

Now just imagine this instead


  • You calmly and confidently show up online and in person sharing your views, promoting your business. You ENJOY showing the REAL YOU.

  • You are confidently saying YES to doing more of the things you want to do. You don't need to please others anymore.

  • You are creating more SUCCESS in your business and personal life.

  • You have AMAZING COPING SKILLS and the tools to deal with anything life throws at you.

  • You are no longer being held back by your past story and the things that used to trigger you.

  • You  embrace your unique authentic self and absolutely 100% believe you are GOOD ENOUGH.

  • You have a PLAN to move forward and achieve your goals in life.




Forest Suspensionn Bridge
“You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending”

C.S. Lewis

What My Clients Say

Before I worked with Kirsty I had terrible anxiety - stomach pains, heart palpitations, always crying, extreme emotional reactions, fears of going out, unexplained migraines, PMT, nail biting and stress. .... I now have normal responses to stressful or difficult situations ...  have more confidence and belief in myself. Don't hesitate to do this for yourself, it really is life changing.



If you're ready to break free from old patterns, outdated beliefs and re-ignite that inner spark to do what fulfils you and makes you happy then I'd love to work with you.


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